Long-term product development

We carry out long-term development work at the SPK to be able to offer our customers even better potato varieties and services in a cost-efficient and responsible way. Our own laboratory premises are located in Tyrnävä. There are test fields for new varieties in different parts of Finland. This helps us to test varieties in local conditions.

Our development work includes both internal projects within the company as well as diverse collaboration with our partners, such as universities and research institutes. A good example of our successful development work is the development of aeroponic cultivation, which has received wide international attention, and its implementation as part of our minituber production.

We also want to make our expertise available outside Finland. That is why we participate in, among other things,development cooperation projects funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Recent development projects of the SPK:

The Mineistä maailmalle project
The Verso project
The Management of Irrigation in Finnish Potato Production project
The PVY-stop project
The Tanzania project
The Peruna-arvo project
The NKJ (Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research) project
The Euphresco project
The Development of sorting and logistics project
The Reform and improvement of contract production project
The Jatko Aero project